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Town council accepts offer to purchase vacant lots

The sale of three vacant lots and the adoption of a bylaw to amend the zoning bylaw were among the items of concern to town council at its regular meeting on August 7.

The sale of three vacant lots and the adoption of a bylaw to amend the zoning bylaw were among the items of concern to town council at its regular meeting on August 7.

Council accepted the offer of Don Keyowski to purchase three vacant lots on Kalmakoff Avenue for $1,500.00 plus GST, provided the current year’s taxes are prepaid and payment is received within 30 days.

A bylaw to amend the zoning bylaw was introduced, read three times and adopted. The amendments are as follows:

1) The definition of “accessory” is amended to read “A use, separate building or structure, including tarp of fabric-covered structures, normally incidental, subordinate, exclusively devoted to and located on the same lot as the principal use, building or structure.”

2) “In a residential district, a carport or garage of up to 93.7 square metres (1,008 sq. ft.) in area shall be permitted.”

3) “In a residential district, the placement of c-storage containers is prohibited.”

Council accepted the settlement of $2,900, not including taxes or deductible, from SGI for the total loss of a 2002 Chev Silverado following a collision on June 7.

Council tabled the request of The Bargain Shop and Tim Hortons to

temporarily erect a roadside sign along Norway Road.